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Profil Ronald Knecht've found a bilingual blog, so please choose "English" or "German". The blog represents personal views on IT systems and consulting in the asset management and investment banking market and focuses predominantly but not exclusively on issues in German speaking countries, respectively countries with a German speaking sub-community (DE, AT, CH, LU, LI, BE, IT).

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Friday, June 29, 2007

On investment banking and being serious

It's an absolute pleasure to wake up one day, open your inbox, and hey presto - you have an invitation to contribute to Ronald's financial blog. This is a very nice courtesy and an honour (both of which are not in the vocabulary of an investment banker). As an investment banker myself, I have been told by friends in other professional circles that the customary thing here would be to say something called "thank you", but once again, I am not familiar with the meaning of that term (although I have heard it used outside the office quite a lot - must be a fashion of some kind).

It is truly symptomatic of people in finance to be extremely good at what we do, and to follow good advice. Good advice for centuries has been that one should stick to one's knitting, so investment bankers stick to what they're good at, work, work and work. And voilá, you have the 100 hour week and the concept of the all nighter. In recognition of the fact that as an investment banker I have no intention of breaking with tradition, and continuing with what I am good at (work), I will be posting about work - the funny side of work - and hoping to make you, my fellow financiers laugh.

Enjoy the All Nighter and thank you for the opportunity to post!