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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fund Accounting and Transfer Agency Systems in Ireland

This survey by Deloitte (called "Fund Administration in Ireland", done 2006 and obviously released to public) shows the fund accounting and transfer agency systems in use in Ireland.

Most interesting (on page 21) is the amount of in-house fund accounting systems used: almost one third! The rest is Geneva (by Advent, a global hedge funds system as it is described), InvestOne (by Sungard), Star (by Eagle), MultiFonds FA (by IGEFI) and MFACT (in the survey said to be by Global Investment Systems, in the meantime acquired by LineData).

Two more interesting facts (re. fund accounting systems):

1st: "Advent Geneva and SunGard InvestOne are the applications of choice for those planning to change." Seems Sungard is really having an edge in the anglo-saxon dominated market (see also my post on innovation awards).

2nd: "Over 50% plan to change their fund accounting system." The reason for that may be the fact that the survey found that "Current applications appear to be relatively old, with 25% over ten years old and 50% over five years". And: "Of those planning to change, the vast majority of the investment will take place in the near future (2006/07)."

Re. transfer agency systems (summarized on page 25), the "in-house packages account for the majority (35%) of current TA systems in place. Here RUFUS (by Bravura Systems) and NTAS (by Koger) account for another 40% of the market. All current installations of these packages took place in the last 5 years." MultiFonds Transfer Agency has less than 5% market share. Unnamed systems have close to 30%.

The administrators plannings reveal that "at present no respondents expect to change their current TA system, with over 70% having changed in the last 5 years. If they were to change, 50% stated a preference for NTAS."

Seems there currently is no dynamic movement in the TA system market in Ireland - contrary to the fund accounting system market.

Wachablösung bei der Inka

Die Inka (Internationale Kapitalanlagegesellschaft) bekommt einen neuen Geschäftsführer, das die Portfolio Institutionell als "Wachablösung" schreibt. Spannend bleibt, ob die Inka auch Simcorp als Fondsbuchhaltungssystem einführt - hat doch die Mutter HSBC sich (angeblich weltweit) für IGEFI MultiFonds FA entschieden...