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Profil Ronald Knecht've found a bilingual blog, so please choose "English" or "German". The blog represents personal views on IT systems and consulting in the asset management and investment banking market and focuses predominantly but not exclusively on issues in German speaking countries, respectively countries with a German speaking sub-community (DE, AT, CH, LU, LI, BE, IT).

For more information about this blog check out the blog note: I-2008 or all blog notes

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pioneer Investments implements LatentZero

Pioneer Investments ist implementing LatentZero within a project called GISP, which is "a multi-year project working with various Pioneer business units to develop a standardized global platform for front-office operations including the ability to manage financial instruments and newly created funds by rationalizing the management of corporate data and securities registers".

Amongst the areas being set up is one called PFO (Pioneer Front Office), which takes care of the implementation of LatentZero for order management and investment compliance.

I wonder if the implementation in Germany will work as expected, since this is the first implementation of LatentZero in Germany. And the German investment restrictions are most likely the most complex in the world.

Also, maintaining two rule sets for investment compliance (one for pre-trade in LatentZero and one for post-trade in SimCorp Dimension) can be a massive overhead.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eigentümerwechsel bei VERITAS vollzogen

Von der Öffentlichkeit eher unbemerkt hat sich bei der Veritas ein Eigentümerwechsel vollzogen - sie gehört nun nicht mehr der Gruppe der Société Générale an, sondern der Augur Financial Holding Drei.

Newsletter 2008 der Kommalpha: Fakten zum deutschen Investmentmarkt

Die KommAlpha hat eine weitere Ausgabe Ihres Newsletters veröffentlicht.

Themen in dieser Ausgabe:

  • Halbjahreszahlen 2008 Fondsmarkt Deutschland
  • Fondsvermögen Gesamtmarkt
  • Mittelaufkommen Gesamtmarkt per Juni 2008
  • Mittelaufkommen Einzelmonat Juni 2008
  • Mittelaufkommen Deutschland vs. Luxemburg per Juni
  • Analyse Mittelaufkommen Feingruppen Publikumsfonds
  • Analyse Anzahl Publikumsfonds per Juni 2008
  • Entwicklung Mittelaufkommen Publikumsfondskategorien 1. Halbjahr 2008
  • TOP⁄FLOP Mittelaufkommen deutscher und nicht-deutscher KAG’en
  • Analyse TOP 5 KAG’en Mittelaufkommen Feingruppen
  • TOP 5 Einzelfonds nach Mittelaufkommen
  • Mittelaufkommen Aktienfonds vs. Daxentwicklung
  • TOP 10 KAG’en nach Fondsvermögen & Marktanteilen
  • Analyse Spezialfondsdaten per Mai 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

State Street Appointed by Lazard Asset Management to Provide Investment Manager Operations Outsourcing Services

State Street wins this prestigious deal to insource Lazard's investment operations, which includes " trade settlement, portfolio administration, reconciliation, performance composite management, data management and preparation of client reports". I am curious why other back office processes remain at Lazard and why and and where there havedrawn the line...

As a result of this mandate, approximately 70 Lazard employees are expected to transfer to State Street. This remindes me a lot of the SGSS / Pioneer deal in Germany, only that they have outsourced middle and back office completely.

I wonder what kind of implications this has on the German business of Lazard, which still runs V3 in their back office...

Monday, August 04, 2008

SunGard Announces Intention to Acquire GL TRADE

Another mega acquisition by Sungard seems to be a matter of days: Sungard officially made an offer. GL Trade says is makes sense. Wonder what the clients and employees think...

Friday, August 01, 2008

BMW verkauft IT-Tochter Cirquent

Nun ist es doch passiert: die Cirquent geht an die NTT.

Und es werden die "üblichen" Durchhalteparolen ausgegeben: "Cirquent solle weiterhin eigenständig geführt werden, große Änderungen seien nicht geplant", und "eine Fusion mit der Bielefelder Itelligence AG, die Anfang des Jahres von NTT Data übernommen worden war, sei nicht geplant".

Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das nach der Schonfrist anders wird...