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Profil Ronald Knecht've found a bilingual blog, so please choose "English" or "German". The blog represents personal views on IT systems and consulting in the asset management and investment banking market and focuses predominantly but not exclusively on issues in German speaking countries, respectively countries with a German speaking sub-community (DE, AT, CH, LU, LI, BE, IT).

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

COMIT acquired International Financial Business Solutions

The headline is: COMIT, a Swisscom Company, has acquired International Financial Business Solutions (IFBS AG), a leading Securities Finance and Collateral Management software application provider. This is one of several steps to come that Comit will do in order to follow their defined strategy: moving more into the corporate banking world. With the power of their stakeholder, the Swiss telco giant Swisscom, this should be rather easy. Just have to wait and see how this all fits together...

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