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Profil Ronald Knecht've found a bilingual blog, so please choose "English" or "German". The blog represents personal views on IT systems and consulting in the asset management and investment banking market and focuses predominantly but not exclusively on issues in German speaking countries, respectively countries with a German speaking sub-community (DE, AT, CH, LU, LI, BE, IT).

For more information about this blog check out the blog note: I-2008 or all blog notes

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Compliance Awards 2008 - Candidates for the "Best Technology Solution"

The nominees are out for the Compliance Awards 2008 - here are the candidates:

I just wonder who created that list...

1 comment:

Ronald Knecht said...

Hallo Herr "c",

nachträglich nochmals vielen Dank für die aktuelle Nachricht.

Es würde mich noch mehr freuen, wenn hier auch einmal keine anonymisierten Kommentare eingestellt würden.

Ronald Knecht