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Monday, December 27, 2010

Fund Accounting System Implementations in Austria

Seems that the fund accounting system implementation wave reaches an end in Austria too (see latest post on German implementations). SimCorp goes live with Raiffeissenlandesbank Oberösterreich and Diamos is almost live with there system Diamos-F at Bank Austria (Profidata doesn't offer press releases to their current implementations in Austria at this point).


Stefan Staub said...

Ronald Knecht is - as always - perfectly right. Profidata has a backlog of press releases and they will be churned out in the next days and weeks.

We have been busy signing contracts with new e-AMIS and XENTIS clients and clients went live with XENTIS towards the end of 2010.

Please follow this blog of Ronald Knecht in order to get all the news.

Stefan Staub from Profidata

Ronald Knecht said...

Thanks for commenting on this - I will be happy to complete this post once the press releases are out.

Leah Edwards said...

Nice post! It's good news for us that fund accounting system implementation wave reaches an end in Austria too. Your all posts are good.

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